All about
Thriving Southland
Who is Thriving Southland?
Thriving Southland is a community-led group with a vision to create a prosperous Southland, healthy people, healthy environment from the mountains to the sea.
By working together, Thriving Southland’s communities will create a better future for all by protecting Southland’s prosperity, heritage, environment and health.
What is a Catchment Group?
A group of people who identify with a geographical area, usually based on a river or lake catchment, working together to take action towards a common vision.
Why are Catchment Groups so great?
When farmers and the community get together to discuss local issues and opportunities, great things can happen. Contact our catchment group coordinators to find out more.
How can Thriving Southland help me?
We are here to connect you with members of the farming community and to support you on this journey. We provide free resources, support great events and empower you to take ownership of local issues so they can be addressed and resolved. Our dedicated team of coordinators is here to encourage and develop groups, get projects off the ground and inspire community action.
Thank you to all the contributors to Thriving Southland, including the farmers and community members who are part of Catchment Groups driving change and environmental improvements in their backyards.
Watch our latest video celebrating two years of Thriving Southland below.
Our Vision
A prosperous Southland, healthy people, healthy environment from the mountains to the sea.
Our Mission
For the Southland community to work together for a better future for all. Protecting Southland's prosperity, heritage, environment and health through community collaboration.

Brilliant is facing our challenges head on, being prepared to work hard for success, and always celebrating our achievements.

Our best collaboration comes from being honest, acting with integrity, and being prepared to learn from others. Through collaboration we will deliver results.
Community is at the centre of everything we do. Our success comes from connecting others, and empowering communities to thrive for the future of our children.
We will inspire greatness through our passion. Our passion for Southland and its communities is at the heart of who we are.
We encourage innovation, foster opportunity and seek outcomes through on the ground action.