Greater Dipton Catchment Group
Covers the area from Josephville Hill to Kauana, the Taringatura Hills to the Bastion.
Check this out - Next phase coming 2024!
Read the Carbon Neutral Dipton Project Report
Group coordinator
Sarah Thorne
Number of members in the CG
Core group of 8-10 people, with a wider group of 120 people (and growing!), who join in with events, workshops and projects that interest them.
Date the Catchment Group started
October 2020
Types of people in the group
Very community focused group with a wide variety of people from the Dipton area. Lots of different farming types are covered, as well as strong links with Dipton School, Dipton Social Committee, Castlerock Wetland Restoration Team, Dipton Fire Brigade and Oreti Community Board. Everyone is welcome!
How we work
Meetings are held 3 to 4 times a year at the Dipton Fire Station, and Catchment Group members also attend twice yearly Southland Catchment Group Forum meetings, Catchment Group training opportunities, Oreti Catchment Group Leaders Get Togethers, and supports other Southland Catchment Group initiatives.
Carbon Neutral Dipton
Dipton might be small, but we are mighty - and we have a vision. We are on a journey to become Carbon Neutral Dipton.
And we have been doing the hard yards to make your life easier. All you need to do is follow our journey through Facebook, our webpage or by talking to us.
The Greater Dipton Catchment Group worked with five farmers, each with some buddies (neighbours and community members who shared and learned at the farm sessions). These farmers and their buddies brainstormed exciting ways to reduce GHG emissions on their farms. They are from all types of farming backgrounds so there is something for everyone.
They came up with what they wanted to tackle and how they want to make it happen. Consultants were on hand to help model and evaluate different ideas. The farms looked at different options - planting trees to sequester carbon, retiring or intensifying different parts of the farm, or changing livestock numbers to reduce GHG’s… we’re right at the start of the journey.
Join us on our adventure to see if small changes on-farm can make big differences to our emissions.
Find out more about the project here.
Projects completed
In October 2020 the group started with a wonderfully social and well attended community consultation evening at the Dipton Golf Club. Almost 50 people turned up and had a great time deciding that they wanted a community Catchment Group, and brainstorming ideas for the Catchment Group to do.
They followed this up with a Lunch Under the Willows event in November at Milligans Park, where 50 people enjoyed a relaxed lunch and heard some great speakers on the history of Dipton and the health of the local waterways. The Dipton Social Committee provided a very tasty BBQ lunch, sponsored by Alliance.
2021 saw lots of events including a very successful Know Your Issues Field Day at Frazer Brown’s Dairy Farm and Brian Russell’s Sheep & Beef Farm in May. There were great discussions on keeping sediment on your farms, creating wetlands, hill country development, good management practices, and B+LNZ led a great chat on Farm Environment Management Plans.
Other events included being involved with an AgResearch Pastoral Biorefinery workshop and giving feedback on how they saw this potential emerging ag technology fitting into a farm system, and working with B+LNZ to host two of their new Farm Environment Plan Workshops. They started being trained by Environment Southland in how to monitor the health of their streams using the SHMAK (Stream Health Monitoring Assessment Kit), and took part in a nationwide eDNA (environmental DNA) water quality monitoring programme, choosing Dipton Stream as their site. This will provide valuable information on the plants and animals found in and around New Zealand’s waterways.
They finished the year by hosting a really successful wellbeing evening with Wayne Langford and his wife (YOLO Farmers), and running a roadside clean up and community lunch, which starred many young Dipton heroes & ice cream, coffee and cake!
2022 was another super busy year. They ran a Native Seed Collection Field Day at Gavenwood Farm, and a Utilising Unproductive Land Field Day at Sue, Malcolm & Tom Day’s looking at native regeneration process. They hosted a Brews & Banter Drought Shout, a B+LNZ workshop on climate change and an interactive workshop on reducing waste with Trish Rankin. They supported lots of local initiatives, such as Southland District Council Welcoming Communities and the Shaping Our Future Call Me Southland, and the creation of a Southern Women NZ Group.
Following on from the success of their YOLO Farmer event, the group want to host a community social and wellbeing event each September. In 2022, they had an amazing event with Bailley Unahi who is aiming to be New Zealand’s first female sit-skier at the 2026 Paralpymics in Italy. The group also selected the Castledown Wetlands for their local stream restoration project, along with running a small local survey on how their community is connected.
In October 2022, one of their members was funded by MPI, NZ Landcare Trust and MfE to attend the National Catchment Groups Forum in Wellington, and in December the group received funding from Thriving Southland to start their first major project looking at Greenhouse Gas reduction and their sequestration journey as a catchment called Carbon Neutral Dipton.
Carbon Neutral Dipton has been an amazing project and was the focus for the group for 2023. They had five case study farms with active buddy groups, meetings with experts (like Dr Ant Roberts from Ravensdown) and field days. All information on the project – reports, videos, progress – can be found here, and the group are now thinking about their next steps, and sharing what they have learnt through talks and presentations on their project.
Alongside their project they joined with the other 6 Oreti Catchment Groups to host a Mid & Lower Oreti bus trip to help understand their catchment better and all the great work that is being done to look after it, and hosted their third community social and wellbeing evening with Southland’s amazing international netball umpire Kristie Simpson. They were also a finalist in the Environmental Leadership in Farming Award for their Carbon Neutral Dipton Project, and were a finalist in the 2023 B+LNZ FMG Rural Champion Award for all the work they do to look after the wellbeing of farmers and farming communities in their special part of the Southland.
Greater Dipton are a great community Catchment Group, with more and more people are coming to their events, and flourishing community connections.
Projects underway
Carbon Neutral Dipton Project – thinking about next steps
Working with Environment Southland to trial a new approach to teach community groups how to monitor the health of their waterways using the SHMAK kit, and undertake a restoration project at the Castledown Wetland
Look at how their community is changing, and help find ways to look after it and keep great connections
Projects planned
Thinking about next steps for their Carbon Neutral Dipton project
Organise an Upper Oreti Bus Trip with the other Oreti Catchment Groups
Hosted events / meetings
Dipton Catchment Group Community Consultation – 14 October 2020
Lunch Under the Willows – 25 November 2020
Know Your Issues Field Day – 5 May 2021
Pastoral biorefinery chat – 9 June 2021
B+LNZ Workshops 1 and 2 – 16 June & 5 July 2021
SHMAK Training Day 1 – 20 July 2021
SHMAK Training Day 2 - 23 November 2021
Wayne Langford Community Social & Wellbeing Evening – 30 September 2021
Roadside Clean Up & Community Lunch – 5 December 2021
Native Seed Collection Field Day at Gavenwood Farm, Caroline Valley – 24 February 2022
Utilising Unproductive Land Field Day at Sue, Malcolm & Tom Day’s – Native Regeneration Process - 8 March 2022
Drought Shout- 31 March 2022
B+LNZ Climate Change Workshop - 3 May 2022
Trish Rankin Reducing Waste Talk/Workshop – 29 June 2022
Supported Southland District Council Welcoming Communities initiative – July 2022
Supported the Shaping Our Future Call Me Southland initiative – July 2022
Community Social Wellbeing Evening with guest speaker Bailley Unahi – Sept 2022
Carbon Neutral Dipton Launch – 14 March 2023
Mid & Lower Oreti Bus Trip (co-organised by all the Oreti Catchment Groups) – 22 March 2023
Carbon Neutral Dipton Case Study Farmers Chat with Dr Ant Roberts (Ravensdown) – 28 March 2023
Speaker at Thriving Southland Stakeholder Breakfast – 20 April 2023
Carbon Neutral Dipton Case Study Farmers & Buddy Get Together – 4 May 2023
Carbon Neutral Dipton Project Outcomes Field Day – 18 July 2023
Carbon Neutral Dipton presentation to NZIPIM – 24 October 2023
Carbon Neutral Dipton Presentation to Wao Summit 2023 – 27 October 2023
Kristie Simpson Wellbeing Speaker & BBQ – 10 November 2023