Free Family Photo for Catchment Group Members
What's the story?
In order to celebrate our first 3 years of existence we wanted to do something to recognise farmers (and catchment group members) and their families as individuals, community members and the good buggers that they are, by shouting free family snaps.
Sometimes we see farmers all getting lumped in together in one basket when being spoken about in the media, by the public and even by well-meaning stakeholders, which doesn’t offer a fair representation of individuals. We know all catchments, farms and farmers are unique and we want to show that off.
So we are coming to a location near you with an old couch on the back of a ute and an awesome professional photographer to capture you and your family in all your glory. Kids, dogs, farm teams, old, young… as long as you have been involved in a Southland catchment group you are welcome to drop by, jump up on the couch and say cheese for the camera.
What do you get?
You will receive 2 digital photos from your couch session supplied via email once our professional photographer has done the post editing.
You can use these for anything you like - print them, put them on 'the Gram', facebook or make t-shirts... the sky is the limit!
What's the catch?
We're glad you asked! The "price" of the photo is answering 5 easy questions:
Which catchment group are you involved with?
Give us a quick rundown about your couchmates?
What has being involved with catchment group meant for/changed for/given you?
What are you most proud of in your farming business?
What are you most proud of in your community?
The photos and answers will be used at our end of year 3 function to showcase the good looking legends that give up their time to do good in their community through catchment groups. We may also use them on our facebook page and website.
Note: we won't be using names in any promotional content
What do we wear?
Dress code is totally up to you! Our Catchment Coordinators struck a pose to give you some ideas...

Photo taken by our project photographer - Natwick Photography.
When's it happening?
The locations are being confirmed by the Catchment Coordinators over the next few days so get in touch quickly to lock in a session near you. The available dates are:
12th April
14th April
19th April
21st April
There are 2 drop in sessions available per day - morning and afternoon.