Ardlussa Catchment Group
Tomogalak/Ardlussa/Longridge North/Upper Mataura

Group Co-Chairs
Hannah Blakely
Victoria Butterick
Group coordinator
Tania Clarke
For more info, or to join the catchment group contact Tania
021 399 343 or
Number of members in the CG
There are more than 40 people in the group.
Date the Catchment Group started
November 2020

Types of people in the group
Sheep, beef, dairy, deer, arable, rural professionals.
Hosted events / meetings
Sept 2020 The catchment group kicked off with a community BBQ to share ideas.
May 2021 A core group got together and used the information and ideas gathered at the public meeting to determine their Values, Purpose and Vision. They also worked on some goals and objectives that the group could achieve. They decided the first cab off the rank should be to host a Farm Environment Plan (facilitated by Beef + Lamb NZ).
August 2021 Farm Environment Plan workshop number 1 took place at the Balfour Rugby Club. The course was well attended, practical and supported 18 people towards having a fully-fledged farm plan.
December 2021: To round out the year the catchment group invited the whole community to join them for a field day, touring some great features of 3 farms and finishing up with a BBQ.