Land Management
Critical Source Areas
Critical source areas (CSAs) are small, low-lying parts of farms such as gullies and swales where runoff accumulates in high concentration. This site gives options to manage CSAs to reduce runoff losses
Critical Source Areas
What are Critical Source Areas and how can they be managed to reduce environmental impact
Environment Southland
The EnviroWalk app is an easy to use tool that helps farmers quickly assess environmental risks across the farm. When areas for improvement are identified, the app lists actions that can be selected to form a customised action plan. Plans are saved and can be downloaded, printed and updated at any time.
Winter Feed Crops: Management During Grazing
This fact sheet focuses on good management practices. It is essential to consider how to reduce nutrient and contaminant losses to streams and waterways as well as minimising damage to soils and paddocks.
Strategic grazing of winter crops
Video - West Otago farmer, Simon O'Meara speaks about strategic grazing of winter crops to help reduce sediment and nutrient loss into waterways.
Reducing surface runoff from grazed winter forage crop paddocks by strategic grazing management
Research results showing the effect of good critical source area management in a winter grazing scenario