What are we doing to inspire Catchment Group action?
The Thriving Southland Change and Innovation project, funded through the Ministry for Primary Industries’ Sustainable Land Use Programme, supports and enables Catchment Groups to lead the way towards productive and sustainable land use and to share their well-grounded knowledge and expertise.
There are currently 13 major, 4 medium and 5 small projects underway by Catchment Groups across Southland.
Lower & Mid Oreti

Mid Oreti Marshalling the Best – new online wetland, bund and sediment trap identification tool for Winton Stream Catchment
Mid Oreti Catchment Group

Makarewa Headwaters Revival Project - Phase 1: Tackling feral animals in the Hokonuis
Makarewa Headwaters Catchment Group

Alternative crop establishment methods for better wintering outcomes
Hedgehope Makarewa Catchment Group

Women’s Enviro Evening
Mid Oreti, Hedgehope Makarewa and Makarewa Headwaters
Catchment Groups

Understanding International Farming Communities
Mid Oreti, Lower Oreti and Waihopai Catchment Groups

Community Spring Social and Wellbeing Event with guest speaker Bailley Unahi
Greater Dipton Catchment Group

Community Social and Wellbeing Event with guest speaker Wayne Langford
Greater Dipton Catchment Group

Recycling – what can you do on your farm, your household and in your community
Waihopai, Waikaka Stream, Greater Dipton and Three Rivers Catchment Groups